Hehe, its actually fast and Flurious, but I thought since shes Catian fast and furry is better :D

A time has come for the Gorgeous Girl Game Characters to show the Federation how to pacify the heavens in style!

Saturday, 31 December 2022
What is that reflected in the cookie bell tower?
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Thursday, 22 December 2022
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
ZoEEy Verne - 7 Leagues Under the Gravity Well
Saturday, 10 December 2022
Friday, 9 December 2022
Friday, 11 November 2022
Friday, 21 October 2022
Sunday, 16 October 2022
A reminder for us all
This is an open letter to all Goddesses, past and present.
Each of you is uniquely special and wonderful. You each bring a glorious diversity to our ranks and none of you is less than just right as you are.
Whilst our fleet is not about having any poltical alignment, agenda or even a common theme amoung us (aside from each being Q and having a female avatar whom loves to dress her best and be Q), we do care about Q's being decent and caring to one another, but we also do also understand, every Q has their "Janeway" day where they simply are beyond the pail and need callingout. We apply understanding not in one direction, but in all.
Its up to each of us to keep an eye out for each other, and to do so in a way that doesn't tear us all apart. What that means is, less blame, more support and when people behave such that its really too much... don't attack, try to help them be better. Double down on caring, instead of turning to hate. I know that can be super hard if your feeling (or even being) targetted, but on the flip side of that, we all feel that some days, people are diverse and one persons humor is anothers attack.
That's not to say we stand for people behaving badly (do nothing), if any of us sees ANYONE under attack. we will call that out, just as we will say "take it outside".
Don't either feel attacked if you get called out, because everyone does at some time. Even, (and maybe especially) me! Serry.
So, what DO we stand for? we stand for everyone supporting one another, we stand for understanding and learning. We stand for fun and frolocks. We will stand up (togehter) against hate and unkindness, but we will do it by standing together calling out bad behaviour (we can see in main chat) and making it clear whats expected.
What we WONT do, is to pick on anyone invididually. We WILL take to task matters said in chat, and we will be clear when things go to far, but we aren't about punishing people, only about letting people know whats expected.
It is possible, someone might one day come to a stage where they need something done, but at that stage it will be everyone together, and those together won't be calling for blood, or justice, or even fairness. They will be saying how they feel and discussing what is to be done, together in love.
The reason I pen this so late is because recent events have left us all bereft. In many ways we just want to move along, but we also want to be clear that 'moving along' is not in any way supporting bad people. It's about letting life deal its own blows, we are here to support one another not to take on the roles of judge and jurry.
Though, we have heard what is said, and we agree that (and I want to state):
Stalking another player, being deliberately mean, attacking them verbally or maligning their personal choices of identity etc, none of these things we condone; We just deal with them as a group, call out their unacceptable and police only ourselves each of us (it keeps us safe without risking becoming that which we seek to keep at bay).
Remember, this is protected each of you NOT defending those who go against the good of the fleet. Each of us, is only answerable to themsleves and what is said in chat is personal for us and we each can (and should) call out when chat goes bad and people are beyond the pail, we should state clearly in chat how we feel and why the other person should not be that way, and why we see it as we do. There people can find support not sensure.
Blessed be,
Friday, 23 September 2022
Friday, 12 August 2022
Friday, 24 June 2022
Friday, 3 June 2022
Saturday, 21 May 2022
Friday, 6 May 2022
Amazing wreck embedded in the Sphere - Contested Zone
Will post some footage of INSIDE the wreck soon!
I said soon! and soon is NOW :D