The Goddesses are an all Female Character fleet and heavily focused on being the damn best looking Fleet around (so thats people particularly into the Tailoring and Costume aspects of the game, anyone whos put alot of love into creating their female characters is highly likely to be very welcome to join the fleet but the selection process is tough and only the best of the best are admitted [no boring standard uniforms here])!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Daisy's Proposal

In an effort to clarify the ideas put forth by Daisy@Col.Potter in a venue free of unrelated chatter or crosstalk, I am posting a directly transcribed copy of her thoughts here on the blog so you all can read it.
The views herein expressed are Daisy@Col.Potter's proposal to adjust our approach to fleet development and are submitted for review and fleet discussion.

Goddesses' love to all our sisters <3  (be thoughtful, be considerate, be heard, be kind)

Aidan xo xo <3


<< Begin captioned text>>

My idea was just that we pick one tier and one tier only to level. The mine, the starbase, whichever. Instead of trying to work on four different systems we build one up completely.

Provisions would still be queued as needed based on demand or stock.

Thinking: Currently some projects sit for ages before finished and I feel if we had fewer to choose from the resources that we do have would be better applied. Like when doing the character rep systems. It's easy to pick on and max it out before switching to the next.

As is projects are competing with each other for resources.

We're a small fleet with limited resources. There's nothing wrong with that and everyone gives what they can or want. And that's fine too. But we can't have everything at once, which seems to be the model currently in place. We should see ourselves as in debt with four very large bills. Pick the one that means the most to us and chip away at it with every thing we've got.

The level of contributions doesn't have to change.Give the same way as you have or care to. No change there. What would change is the projects that are open. They would only be in one area, [the mine for example] and would/should be completed faster.

The drawback is that progress in the other three tiers would stop whilewe're working on our main one. In the end, we would have one awesome tier and three that are as they currently are.

I think we've reached the point where we can afford to halt three tiers in favour of one. We currently have access to some great gear (for those that want it), and if a member needs needs NEEDS something better, a friend fleet may have it and be willing to sell it.

We all want the fleet holdings to progress and grow. Tha much is clear as even the most casual members donate and contribute.

With this idea we may not progress evenly but we will progress noticeably. It's just a way to selectivelydo more with what we've already got.

In short: One tier to work on and one only. Provisions stocked as needed. No need or pressure to increase donations, no ramp ups, no "nose to the grindstone".

It isn't a new thing being pushed, it's a slight change in something we're already doing and doing well.

If it works we should see bit, obvious improvements and reap the benefits from it (if you want them).

<< END captioned Text >>

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Daisy. As you know I didn't favour your idea. Though I think you have gained supporters in the last fleet meeting we arranged for you. Your missed, I hope you will return.
