Guests: @skullshot117, @psymem, @enishlord
[2/18 1:23] [Local] tami@mikiy: cuddles and me are from -FS-
[2/18 1:23] Sarine@frtoaster bows.
[2/18 1:23] [Local] tami@mikiy: Mischa is from Dyson Sphere Renegades
[2/18 1:23] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Hi Ryan
[2/18 1:23] [Local] tami@mikiy: so we have representants of all 5 fleets in our armada currently present here
[2/18 1:24] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: good to meet you
[2/18 1:24] [Local] tami@mikiy: i assume you 3 guys are going to introduce yourself :)
[2/18 1:24] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: Hello all
[2/18 1:24] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: and if you brought confectioneries, now would be a good time to hand them out also :D
[2/18 1:26] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Hi, Lilit
[2/18 1:26] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: I'm a Serry :) hiya! Nice to make your acquaintance.... :)
[2/18 1:26] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: hello, Lil
[2/18 1:27] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: Hello
[2/18 1:27] [Local] Lilit@enishlord: Hello
[2/18 1:27] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Are we still waiting for more people?
[2/18 1:27] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: We might need a bigger table
[2/18 1:27] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Hi. I'm Ryan. I am the founder of the seven Apocalypse Survivors fleets and three Armadas. The last remaining leader and founder from the original founding date of November 24, 2004. Nice to meet you
[2/18 1:28] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: nod- same
[2/18 1:28] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: all
[2/18 1:28] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: welcome
[2/18 1:28] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Nice to meet you
[2/18 1:29] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: Hi, I'm Smiley, I run the main AS armada, I have been with AS for over 2.5 years. It's nice to meet you guys and gals.
[2/18 1:29] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: I'm also known as the Ring Leader of the Circus Soleil AS
[2/18 1:30] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: umm I'm just a Serry :D but I'm the only Serry
[2/18 1:31] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Ok great. Who is starting with questions?
[2/18 1:31] [Local] Edwards@psymem: My name is Psymem and I run the AS Divison 2 fleet and I have been ruuning this divison for the last month
[2/18 1:31] [Local] Edwards@psymem: I brought the idea originally to Timi to merge our 2 Armadas into one
[2/18 1:31] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *munches Mischies cookies* *offers some to Ryan, Smiley, Edwards, Lilit* They is 2018 cookies! *nod nod*(
[2/18 1:32] [Local] Lilit@enishlord: *Picks up cookies and snifs it gently before eating it*
[2/18 1:32] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: :D hopes you lIke Mischies has many ^^
[2/18 1:32] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: Why do you want to merge?
[2/18 1:33] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: give us your side
[2/18 1:33] [Local] Edwards@psymem: We have some room to grow our 3rd Division so they will be moving on leaving an opening in our Second divison of 5 open slotes
[2/18 1:35] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: OK, to keep this meeting moving, maybe we should say when we're done talking
[2/18 1:35] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: May I inquire as to if there is any significant differences between the different divisions-one vs two etc ?
[2/18 1:35] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Plus together the fleet would increase to Level 571 giving all fleet increased discounts
[2/18 1:36] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: nods. What would you say unites your fleets? whats the common shared interest? or if not any theme what would you say you where looking to avoid here?
[2/18 1:36] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: You will have unity. Even though AS/ASD1, ASD2, and our KDF fleets operate on their own they are all unified as one big happy family. We would extend that to you. We have a large community that is
[2/18 1:37] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: only growing. So you will have your very own community to: PvE, PvP, learn from, builds, etc. An endless supply of knowledge that we can share between one another. The opportunities together are just
[2/18 1:37] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: that, endless
[2/18 1:38] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: What do you expect from us and what do you like about asking us to merge with you?
[2/18 1:39] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: We would also extend the AF Channel to you rather you joined or not. We're built on the foundation of helping others, making the game fun, and community
[2/18 1:39] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: How are decisions regarding the armada made?
[2/18 1:39] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: We expect nothing but having fun really. The only thing that is expected is for you to run your fleet(s) as you see fit and stay active.
[2/18 1:40] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Nods. Is there any 'demands' on members in your Amards? (time, resources, behaviour?)
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Another thing that is expected is if you have ideas and suggestions to make the community better we want to hear them
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Decisions like what exactly?
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (like this meeting being a BIG decision for us both)
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Recruiting new fleets
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Serial, the only demands we have is that you have fun and enjoy the game and community :)
[2/18 1:41] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: who gets to join
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: K :)
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: and if necessary, whether to kick a fleet out
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Your fleet for you comes first.
[2/18 1:42] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: Are the different Armads indpenednet or is there a top down command structure? Are the secondary armads alt accounts or all different players?
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: How are interfleet conflicts managed? Do you have an anti-discrimation policy for the armada channel or is it free4all?
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Hopefully, that doesn't become necessary, but you never know
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: So if your fleet needs resources I expect you to fill yours before the Armada
[2/18 1:42] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Nods, for example, Goddesses applies most these rules to everyone who joins along:
[2/18 1:43] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude:
[2/18 1:43] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: OK, think we just dumped a bunch of questions on them at once
[2/18 1:43] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: We have rules as well for our Community. Smiley will provide the link
[2/18 1:43] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: Patience, Toasty, patience :)
[2/18 1:43] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: nods. I'lll play with kitty for a little whilst the respond :)
[2/18 1:44] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117:
[2/18 1:44] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: that is our rules of conduct
[2/18 1:44] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: just basic stuff really
[2/18 1:45] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Thanks perfect ill take a read ^^
[2/18 1:47] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: It mentions chain of commands. How does that work? Is my fleet at the direction of Edwards?
[2/18 1:48] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: T'kyr, They operate independently. It is left up to how the leader decides to run things for example: Pysmem over ASD2 can decide how he wants that Armada to be structured. Pysmem only reports to me
[2/18 1:48] [Local] Edwards@psymem: To address Tkyrs question about the Command structure I am Primarily responsible for this armada, any changes or concerns can go through me
[2/18 1:48] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: nod
[2/18 1:48] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: nod
[2/18 1:48] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: thank you
[2/18 1:49] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: One things, regarding what is distasteful, some of our fleeties have fun and silly names.. myself especially *giggle* I agree that respect is needed but I think it needs to go all directions, meaning
[2/18 1:49] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: scope for the outlandish. Are you okay with the unusual and strange?
[2/18 1:49] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Well yeah I mean I find @skullshot117 to be unusual and strange
[2/18 1:50] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: What's with the 117? :P
[2/18 1:50] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: 116 was taken already
[2/18 1:50] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: lol sounds like right down my Aly *pun intended* *GIGGLE*
[2/18 1:50] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: lol
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: halo
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: giggle
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Ah!
[2/18 1:51] [Local] tami@mikiy: anyhow rules of conduct.. we mostly talk about the armada chat channel here anyway don't we?
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Hiya Smiley :D
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Edwards@psymem: I prefer the unusual as the unexpected is infinitly more fascinating
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: normal is overrated
[2/18 1:51] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: Works for me
[2/18 1:52] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
[2/18 1:52] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Well I aprechiated the thought in that document :). Agree to it.
[2/18 1:52] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: agrred well thought out and written
[2/18 1:52] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Though, one question, my fleet is kinda cookie *pun again intended* and we have really cookie friends
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: What sort of timezones does your armada cover? My fleet is generally in the arse end of time zones lol
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: I think 'kooky' is the word you were looking for, Ser.
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Edwards@psymem: The reason we use our unified chat channel is since we are a multi armada fleet its easier to stay in contact with everyone.
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: So, whilst its important to establish good ground rules. I want lots of scope for the crazy too (within respect) like I love to just bounce about and lick Mischies randomly without that becomming an
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: issue
[2/18 1:53] [Local] Edwards@psymem: That being said there are several sub channels run by subfleets including one for our Netherlands subdivison to speak in dutch
[2/18 1:54] [Local] Lilit@enishlord: SCC has it's own chanals and discord servre.
[2/18 1:54] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: we have people all over, mostly US time zone, but we also have a decent amount in EU
[2/18 1:54] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: You can look at ours as more of a resource
[2/18 1:54] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Ok
[2/18 1:55] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: So I understand you have 3 armadas: Is that 2 Fed and 1 KDF?
[2/18 1:55] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Oh, wait, I see 3 Fed here
[2/18 1:55] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Not to single out Mischies there... but yeah, I like to be crazy with my crazy friends and want to be in a non judgemental grouping ^^
[2/18 1:56] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: What sort of % discount would my fleet be looking at in a gamma slot?
[2/18 1:57] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Currently 13%, though if this merger goes through it should reach 15%
[2/18 1:58] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: My fleet is not large for a specific reason. We are a close group building this fleet as a monument to a mutual friend who suicided. His @ was destiny. Do you have any issues with a fleet who isn't
[2/18 1:58] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: looking to grow?
[2/18 1:58] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: That's a nice percentage
[2/18 1:59] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: sorry to hear that
[2/18 1:59] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: ty
[2/18 1:59] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *bows head respectfully and gives a minutes no bouncing or horning in respect*
[2/18 2:01] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: Likewise, my fleet inparticular, formerly The Order of Isis underwent huge issues with bullying a few years ago, and the people we still have are close-knit, though not very active
[2/18 2:02] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *knits a mitten for Mischies* :)
[2/18 2:03] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Thats not a problem for me if your fleet does not take on new members
[2/18 2:03] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: How does your recruiting work and does it have safeguards for trying to lure members over to other Fleet?
[2/18 2:03] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Thank you.
[2/18 2:03] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: So, speaking to where where coming from... Tami and FS have been really great leaders for our Amarda in that they facilitate not mediate. We obviously want to keep that alive and take it forward.
[2/18 2:03] [Local] Edwards@psymem: What matter most is that your fleet is active
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Edwards@psymem: They will still be in charge of your fleet as they will be a Beta fleet for the subfleets
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Also, I would be Remis not to Mention Rho and her staggering efforts.
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Will our good people be getting an equal voice in the new order?
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (if coming to pass)
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: everyone gets a voice
[2/18 2:04] [Local] Edwards@psymem: And while one of your fleets would join SCC for logistic purposes you would stjll report to your original fleet leaders
[2/18 2:05] [Local] Edwards@psymem: And Yes everyone gets a voice in the fleet
[2/18 2:05] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: About that. We have 5 fleets, so it is not possible to fit all under one tree.
[2/18 2:05] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, this would involve SCC here taking one of you as a Gamma fleet
[2/18 2:06] [Local] Edwards@psymem: THe command structure though would remain the same fo that fleet
[2/18 2:06] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (course many great people, guess my question is how will you ensure it stays an open forum, we run Council meetings like this one? they can continue in larger Armada including more?)
[2/18 2:06] [Local] tami@mikiy: yea we are 5 atm, basically its goddesses beeing beta atm and us beeing alpha atm
[2/18 2:06] [Local] tami@mikiy: considering we are mostly looking for the best dil discount i woulda be okay with my fleet going gamma
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: if anyone has any problems, concerns or suggestions please don't hesitate to ask any questions or speak up
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: So basically it comes back to my original question
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, in fact we would love to see this become a regular ficture, fleet leadership meetings in a format like this
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: How are decisions made
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: :)
[2/18 2:07] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: You have to have the patience of a saint for these meetings
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: As I see it, the primary decisions are accepting new fleets
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: and kicking fleets out (if it comes to that)
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Since I have only just taken command of this fleet we still have the option to decide that as a collective group
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: We don't kick them out Sarine.... ever.
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: they may choose to leave, but we never kicked anyone for the record
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: *hands out more cookies*
[2/18 2:08] [Local] tami@mikiy: i assume we just stick to our current system of having a democratic armada council and have meetings if decisions need to be made
[2/18 2:08] [Local] Edwards@psymem: When this fleet is completed there should be no furtther changes to the Armada
[2/18 2:09] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: sorry, thats another good point, we deal with problems not eject people, though there have been misteps in Goddesses... disiplinary goes to the council.
[2/18 2:09] [Local] Edwards@psymem: One old fleet may be replaced but that is under SCC
[2/18 2:09] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I'm primarily thinking of what happens if there is conflict
[2/18 2:10] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Then we would need to have a meeting of leaders depending on the severity
[2/18 2:10] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: No one wants that to happen, but these things do happen in large groups
[2/18 2:10] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: I have no further questions at this time
[2/18 2:10] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: How does your recruiting work and does it have safeguards for trying to lure members over to other Fleets? Which is something that we had to deal with once before.
[2/18 2:11] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: I don't think we ever had a disiplinary thing with the council... we always said that issues in a fleet were strictly that fleets issue
[2/18 2:11] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Most fleets are self contained within the Armada and Beta fleets typically resolve issues within thier own subsection
[2/18 2:11] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: regardless of much some person tried to make it an armada issue
[2/18 2:11] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Yes, I agree that fleets should maintain their own discipline
[2/18 2:12] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: also for reference these are the guidelines on how we enforce our Rules of conduct
[2/18 2:12] [Local] Edwards@psymem: If needed we can help moderate an issue and I would like to add you all on Steam so I can be reached with any concerns
[2/18 2:13] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Excellent
[2/18 2:13] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: we can try and be that third party to help mediate disputes
[2/18 2:13] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: the only armada issue I witnessed was a concern of how one fleet interacted with another in terms of membership and recruiting
[2/18 2:14] [Local] Edwards@psymem: ASTo directly answer the question on recruitment there is no poaching of members between Fleets or Armadas
[2/18 2:14] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: nod- good
[2/18 2:15] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: are fleet officers bribe-able with cake or cookies?
[2/18 2:15] [Local] Edwards@psymem: If someone posts a message in the AS channel for example asking for people to leave thier fleet and join theirs this willn not be tolerated
[2/18 2:15] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: :)
[2/18 2:16] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: I am :D *accepts cookie bribe*
[2/18 2:16] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Do you have any more rules that we should read?
[2/18 2:16] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (though I'm only bribeble for hugs and brownies)
[2/18 2:17] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: It's good to get all this info
[2/18 2:17] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: nope both docs cover everything
[2/18 2:17] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Will read later
[2/18 2:17] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Sweet :)
[2/18 2:17] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: OK, thanks
[2/18 2:17] [Local] tami@mikiy: well im curious now regarding the last question, in an event that happens, what would you do?
[2/18 2:19] [Local] Edwards@psymem: I think we have covered all of them. Going forward if you would like to define rules for our armada we can go over them together
[2/18 2:19] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: I would like to thank you for patiently answering all these questions. It's good to enter these agreements (if we do) with our eyes open and you've been very patient
[2/18 2:19] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: yes- thank you
[2/18 2:19] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: ^_^ V
[2/18 2:19] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Is that queston regarding poaching?
[2/18 2:19] [Local] tami@mikiy: yes
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: yes thank you! and either way how about an after party at Goddesses dance floor :D
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Edwards@psymem: As I said not tolerated, so the member would be removed
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: tami wants to poach my shoes
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: I appreciate you candidness and taking the time to answer alll of our questions.
[2/18 2:20] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: they are nice shoes
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Tami you wrascally rabbit! Give Simon his shoes *giggle*
[2/18 2:20] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Made from the finest Cardassian leather
[2/18 2:20] [Local] tami@mikiy: as far as i see it, the chat channel is yours so you enforce rules there obviously
[2/18 2:21] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: We all need to read over your rules and formulate any questions we might have about them
[2/18 2:21] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Mind if I send you all friend invites?
[2/18 2:21] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Please do
[2/18 2:21] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: indeed
[2/18 2:21] [Local] tami@mikiy: but if its a fleet within the armada, i assume we may also end up having an armada council meeting about it and discuss that here, right?
[2/18 2:22] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Thank you
[2/18 2:22] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Lilit.
[2/18 2:22] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Edwards.
[2/18 2:22] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Smiley.
[2/18 2:22] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: In this armada, fleet leaders all have admin rights in the shared channel. How does it work in your armada?
[2/18 2:22] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (how I miss in chair emotes *sighs sadly at 'fixing' of fun*
[2/18 2:22] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, a punitive action would need to be discussed with the fleet leaders
[2/18 2:23] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: nods. Now one last quicky.
[2/18 2:23] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: No, I get the last quicky
[2/18 2:23] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: (Sorry)
[2/18 2:23] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Ask your question, Seri
[2/18 2:24] [Local] tami@mikiy: wait a moment please serial, simons question isnt answered yet
[2/18 2:24] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Gossip has been a problem in the past. People giving false impressions of fleet members based on incorrect conclusions of behaviour. This will always go to fleet leaders to resolve correct?
[2/18 2:24] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *sorry* *zipp*
[2/18 2:25] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: indeed
[2/18 2:26] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, that is correct
[2/18 2:26] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Thanks and sorry to interrupt Simon
[2/18 2:27] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: any accusations are invesigated for authenticy and then if they are true we meeting and decide the punishment
[2/18 2:28] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *disclaimer* A Serry does not represent all Goddess views or opinions and her statements are purely here own *giggle*
[2/18 2:29] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I believe Simon had a question regarding admin of the armada channel?
[2/18 2:30] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: just to qualify it's not been a huge issue, just hear sometimes misimpressions of the fleet purpose and the fleet likes to define that :) and you guys/gals will know what its like with groups even
[2/18 2:30] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: of brainboxes hehe
[2/18 2:30] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: I will point out that I've never used the admin function with this armada but its a sign of trust that I've always appreciated
[2/18 2:31] [Local] Edwards@psymem: To clarify, on the AF channel which is our Cross Armada channel is only administrated by Fleet leaders of AS named fleets
[2/18 2:32] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Ok
[2/18 2:32] [Local] Edwards@psymem: If you have your own though you are free to use that however you wish
[2/18 2:32] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Sorry, what is an AS named fleet?
[2/18 2:32] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Apocalype Suyrvivor
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Bloody hell, I spelt that in Welsh. Sorry
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: So literally, a fleet carrying that name?
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, as Simon said
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: *Apocalypse Survivor
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: this reminds me. We establish trust in Goddesses through long experience and small steps towards... how would a member of our fleets apply to become an Admin?
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: AS, ASD1, ASD2, ASD3, HOTAS, HOTASD2
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: OK, I won't ask you to expand those for me, lol
[2/18 2:33] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: or is it just on a 'gut instinct' basis
[2/18 2:34] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: (which isn't a bad way honestly if everyones open ^^)
[2/18 2:34] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: Mischies gut is open from all those cookies
[2/18 2:35] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Now that you have met us, do you feel we are a good fit for your armadas? Do you have any questions for us? Seems only fair.
[2/18 2:35] [Local] Edwards@psymem: If they were a leader in on of our Fleets they would get that option, but this would involve the leadership here as that would involve our afore mentioned poaching policy
[2/18 2:35] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: lol. Cuddles that sounds like you sliced open Mischies 8O
[2/18 2:35] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: lol
[2/18 2:35] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: my gut is what?
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: (poofy with cookies)
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: full of cookies?
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Full O'Cookies :)
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: *hides claws* what, no.. I wasn't trying to get cookies directly from her stomach
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Motion passed everyone agrees Mischies gut is full of cookies! :D
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: lol
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Question about your command structure:
[2/18 2:36] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: *hands out more cookieS*
[2/18 2:37] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Safest Mischies.. Cuddles has claws *nod nod*
[2/18 2:37] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Does the alpha of each armada report to Ryan, the betas report to alphas, gammas to betas, and individual fleet members to fleet leaders
[2/18 2:37] [Local] Edwards@psymem: I think you are a shining example of what a Armada should be and I can see that having you join our community would enrich us both
[2/18 2:37] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *takes plenty of cookies* *timelock baggies half* munches others
[2/18 2:37] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: yup
[2/18 2:38] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes, that is a good overview of our structure, with the only excption being the Gamma in SCC will stil report to -FS-
[2/18 2:38] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: thank you psymen
[2/18 2:38] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Ah, so are you making an exception for us? That complicates your structure a bit.
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Edwards@psymem: It doesn't as SCC is a new sub armada
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: And Lilit is the leader of SSC?
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: SCC, sorry
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Edwards@psymem: One of them yes
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Lilit@enishlord: I'm one of the management team, yes
[2/18 2:39] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: OK, thanks
[2/18 2:40] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Anyone have more questions?
[2/18 2:40] [Local] tami@mikiy: i gotta admit i kinda dont understand the question
[2/18 2:40] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: I'm good.
[2/18 2:40] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: What is the question? Is the answer 42? :D
[2/18 2:40] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: coz I know the questioN!
[2/18 2:40] [Local] tami@mikiy: i assume we still make decisions in our council meetings, so in what way we talking about any pyramid like setups?
[2/18 2:40] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: the ultimate answer to the universe life and everything
[2/18 2:40] [Local] tami@mikiy: i mean sarines question specifically
[2/18 2:41] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: umm a cookie Pyramid?
[2/18 2:41] [Local] Edwards@psymem: She posed a question about the command structure
[2/18 2:41] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: oops that wasn't meant to be targeted
[2/18 2:41] [Emotes] Aly@zhee0009: Shoo!
[2/18 2:41] Aly@zhee0009 shoos Serial away.
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: sorry brb need some horn time ;)
[2/18 2:42] [Local] tami@mikiy: well i assume we stay with democracy as command structure for the armada, unless i missed something there
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: are Sith allowed?
[2/18 2:42] [Local] tami@mikiy: did i?
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: serial is horny
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: So one of the documents talk about command structure
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I wasn't entirely clear on what that means
[2/18 2:42] [Local] Edwards@psymem: They are encouraged, we have a TOR fleet as well
[2/18 2:42] [Local] tami@mikiy: those documents were about their community fleets i assume, they dont overrule our democracy
[2/18 2:43] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: okay think I got it out my system *giggles* returns to as serious as she gets
[2/18 2:43] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: good good, I will bake those cookies with my lightning
[2/18 2:43] [Local] tami@mikiy: or did i missunderstood something there?
[2/18 2:43] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: no they are for us, they do not overrule you
[2/18 2:43] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((they seemed okay even if they did... nothing in there I was bawking at. Serry was okay too though was a bit wary about disciplinary but assumes its exeption not rule))
[2/18 2:44] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((that is, its not done lightly and only after fleet leaders not able to settle it))
[2/18 2:44] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Btw, not all of us talk to ourselves
[2/18 2:44] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: If BoD were to go with the gamma slot of SCC, would we be getting that 15% still?
[2/18 2:45] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *giggle* gotta keep an eye on your mortal *sage*
[2/18 2:45] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: All gammas should get the same discount
[2/18 2:45] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: It's not like we can control that
[2/18 2:45] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Your rules within your Armada remain the same and I will promise to listen to any decision you decide to make democraticaly as long as it does not influence our other fleets directly
[2/18 2:45] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Depends on the size of the armada apparently
[2/18 2:46] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Yes, but my understanding is that two gammas in the same armada get the same discount
[2/18 2:46] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: That's the way it's coded
[2/18 2:46] [Local] Edwards@psymem: That is correct
[2/18 2:47] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I do think it might be more than 15% though
[2/18 2:47] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: but not going to do the math now
[2/18 2:47] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Don't even remember how it's done
[2/18 2:47] [Local] Edwards@psymem: It may be, don't have the scale aof fleet level to discount in front of me
[2/18 2:48] [Local] tami@mikiy: scc is a beta in that armada?
[2/18 2:48] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((Serry is her own self. Just for the record. For purposes of understanding deeep RP will suffice.. talking to myself! Sarine *eye rolls* poor Serry))
[2/18 2:49] [Local] Lilit@enishlord: Yes, we are
[2/18 2:49] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Gives ice cream to Seri and Seri's mortal
[2/18 2:49] [Local] tami@mikiy: i kinda sense theres some confusion here about spaces, so ill ask this
[2/18 2:49] [Local] tami@mikiy: theres currently room for 1 beta + 3 gamma's below and 1 gamma, all in that same armada right?
[2/18 2:50] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Yes
[2/18 2:50] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *licks Ice Cream* *feels molified* ((I'll get one from fridge ;))
[2/18 2:51] [Local] Edwards@psymem: And if you can give me your current Fleet levels I can calculate your true discounts when this is completed
[2/18 2:51] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((Eeek Math *hides*))
[2/18 2:51] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: BoD 77
[2/18 2:52] [Local] tami@mikiy: anyhow im sure that cleared out some confusion, just to make sure everyone understood this, we are all staying together in the same armada, so no worries
[2/18 2:52] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: lol
[2/18 2:52] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Total armada level is 293
[2/18 2:52] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *cuddles Cuddles* :D
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: :P
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I think it's just the sum divided by 35 or something (rounded down)
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: *gives Cuddles option on Hug?*
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Don't quote me on that though
[2/18 2:53] [Local] tami@mikiy: anyhow, are they any other questions left, if not i guess we can now close this Q&A part of our meeting? :)
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: I've never sort to understand it, I just blow stuff pu
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: up
[2/18 2:53] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: why is there no hug emote actually?
[2/18 2:54] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: HR saud no
[2/18 2:54] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: said
[2/18 2:54] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Cuddles that is an important question! :D
[2/18 2:54] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((Seriously though thank you all so much for your great answers :) good info to decide))
[2/18 2:54] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard bows.
[2/18 2:55] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: ((Serry loves to play about, but we aprechiate your efforts here ^^))
[2/18 2:55] [Local] Edwards@psymem: According to the math I have our discount may should be 18%
[2/18 2:55] [Local] tami@mikiy: sure theres no cap at 15% tho?
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I believe there was a cap
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: no the cap is 20% at level 720
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: I don't think it was 15%
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Ah
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Based on a Armada level of 640 and a 1% discount per every 35 levels
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Edwards@psymem: I haven;t seen any higher then 20%
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: our main Armada level is at 941 and the discount stays at 20%
[2/18 2:56] [Local] Edwards@psymem: OUr Main Armada is Almost 1000 and only has 20%
[2/18 2:58] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Certainly a nice amount
[2/18 2:59] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Well, I don't have anymore questions
[2/18 2:59] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: no further questions here
[2/18 2:59] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: thank you i'm good as well
[2/18 3:00] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: if everyones good I'll seal the meeting close with a horn blast *looks hopeful*
[2/18 3:00] [Local] tami@mikiy: Alrighty then so lets close this Q&A part here, thanks to the apocalypse survivor guys for joining us for this and their patience staying through it :)
[2/18 3:00] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: :D
[2/18 3:00] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Thank you all for your time
[2/18 3:00] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: yes- we have tortured you all enough so go in peace
[2/18 3:00] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: XD
[2/18 3:00] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Thank you for answering our questions
[2/18 3:01] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: Thank You for yours
[2/18 3:01] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Please note the nearest airlock may be behind you
[2/18 3:01] Mel@smokebailey yawns sleepily.
[2/18 3:01] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: xD
[2/18 3:01] Mel@smokebailey limbers up a little.
[2/18 3:01] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Have Serry will bounce :D
[2/18 3:01] Mel@smokebailey performs the Picard Maneuver.
[2/18 3:01] [Local] tami@mikiy: our meetings not quiete over btw, so remain seated please ;-p
[2/18 3:02] Mel@smokebailey sits in the captain's chair.
[2/18 3:02] T'Kyr@kyrissis tranquilizies Serial
[2/18 3:02] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: no problem
[2/18 3:02] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: im horning? maybe that denies trade?
[2/18 3:02] [Local] Mel@smokebailey: you might neet to club serial, T
[2/18 3:02] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: Yes, club with Dancing :D
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: thats next right?
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Someone get it's cage out! Maybe entice it back in with cookies?
[2/18 3:03] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: I am okay with option two if need be
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Edwards@psymem: So now that the Q&A portion is over what is the next phase?
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Mischa@MischaMC.: we eat more cookies and drink milk
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: We will discuss and get back to you :)
[2/18 3:03] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: while doing an RA
[2/18 3:03] [Local] tami@mikiy: exactly what simon just said
[2/18 3:03] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Lilit.
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: After we club Serial :P
[2/18 3:04] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Edwards.
[2/18 3:04] [Local] tami@mikiy: now that the Q&A phase is over we need to process the information and make a decision
[2/18 3:04] Serial@DoggyDude bows to Smiley.
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Understood, do you need us here for anything else?
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Smiley@skullshot117: ok, have fun and we hope to hear from you soon
[2/18 3:04] [Local] tami@mikiy: nope, thank you for joining :)
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: No unless you have any questions for us
[2/18 3:04] [Local] T'Kyr@kyrissis: no thank you
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Cuddles@frostdamage: I gots to go, nite nite all
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Edwards@psymem: Thank you all again and hope to hear from you soon
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Sarine@frtoaster: Good night, Cuddles
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: :) thank you if I get my way and we have dance party after we will be sure to invite :D
[2/18 3:04] [Local] Aly@zhee0009: ni ni
[2/18 3:04] [Emotes] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: Live Long and Prosper.
[2/18 3:04] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard displays a Vulcan Salute.
[2/18 3:05] Serial@DoggyDude waves at Smiley.
[2/18 3:05] [Local] Simon Picard@Simon_Picard: nite Cuddles
[2/18 3:05] [Emotes] Serial@DoggyDude: Goodbye!
[2/18 3:05] Serial@DoggyDude waves goodbye to Lilit.
[2/18 3:05] [Emotes] Sarine@frtoaster: Goodbye!
[2/18 3:05] Sarine@frtoaster waves goodbye to Ryan G Hake.
[2/18 3:05] [Local] Ryan G Hake@rhblueflame: Nice meeting you all.
[2/18 3:05] tami@mikiy waves.
[2/18 3:05] [Local] Serial@DoggyDude: lovely :) thanks


The Goddesses are an all
Female Character fleet and heavily focused on being the damn best looking Fleet around (so thats people particularly into the Tailoring and Costume aspects of the game, anyone whos put alot of love into creating their female characters is highly likely to be very welcome to join the fleet but the selection process is tough and only the best of the best are admitted [no boring
standard uniforms here])!
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