The worst evil committed by mortals is the denial of free will to other mortals!
The Goddess grants free will and works to allow people to make their own choices and learn without repression or censorship (and she walks with us all to encourage and guide us to find our own true will which is in love for all things).
In the spirit of that fight for freedom, we must come together to stop this horrendous act of censorship against free expression of a good and wholesome concept, the concept that free will and love outweighs all.
Please, everyone, work together to prevent these evil people who are trying to suppress peoples ability to find their own goodness and light.
Blessed be,

A time has come for the Gorgeous Girl Game Characters to show the Federation how to pacify the heavens in style!

The Goddesses are an all
Female Character fleet and heavily focused on being the damn best looking Fleet around (so thats people particularly into the Tailoring and Costume aspects of the game, anyone whos put alot of love into creating their female characters is highly likely to be very welcome to join the fleet but the selection process is tough and only the best of the best are admitted [no boring
standard uniforms here])!
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Campaign to bring back the Golden Compass movie sequel!
Saturday, 30 August 2014
I have a new computer, posting piccies ;) [adds hers too]
I hope you like these, would upload more, but I haven't taken many more hehe.
Lots Of Love And Hugs
RachelJ88 x
oooh :D lovely! This is what mine looks like (to show just how Nice Rach's is)
LOL confusing :P but Serials just below, mine (Rachels) below this one... below text... lol

Mine Below v
((Comparitive Screenies)) (a very mortal passtime *giggle*)
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
Goddesses and faithful Q
The time has come, the time of rebirth, of making the fleet like new.
We have lost our way, caught in amongst the ways of the mortal realm as their thoughts whisper to us enticingly!
Sister fought sister and trust was thrown into the jaws of suspicion and retaliation.
We must fight this pollution by mortal ideals, strive to regain what has always given us such heart, what made us great!
We have stumbled, on our path, but let us not fall. Let not these setback destroy what is in our hearts. The future lies with us!
We can and shall rebuild a new, stronger, better and from the heart.
I too have been brought down low by the bickering between mortals, by the rumors and gossip, by my own turning one by one to the darkest impulses of humanity. Us, Q born of the universe, children of eternity. Not now, we made ourselves into orphans of time and we have been forcibly ejected from the loving continuum that was our mother, birthplace and home.
I ask each of you, to put aside petty mortal concerns and remember why we came together. Remember the beauty in the one of the Q. Not to forget that with ultimate power, reveals that the only forces of worth are love in balance.
Let us take OUR universe and press it irrevocably on the mortal realm and not let that realm tear ours apart.
Sisters, unite... put aside the past. The past is gone and we can all be reborn. In our new birth we can become as one for each other, and none for themselves. This is where we have power and where we must stay.
With love,
Goddess Serial
The least of the many.
We have lost our way, caught in amongst the ways of the mortal realm as their thoughts whisper to us enticingly!
Sister fought sister and trust was thrown into the jaws of suspicion and retaliation.
We must fight this pollution by mortal ideals, strive to regain what has always given us such heart, what made us great!
We have stumbled, on our path, but let us not fall. Let not these setback destroy what is in our hearts. The future lies with us!
We can and shall rebuild a new, stronger, better and from the heart.
I too have been brought down low by the bickering between mortals, by the rumors and gossip, by my own turning one by one to the darkest impulses of humanity. Us, Q born of the universe, children of eternity. Not now, we made ourselves into orphans of time and we have been forcibly ejected from the loving continuum that was our mother, birthplace and home.
I ask each of you, to put aside petty mortal concerns and remember why we came together. Remember the beauty in the one of the Q. Not to forget that with ultimate power, reveals that the only forces of worth are love in balance.
Let us take OUR universe and press it irrevocably on the mortal realm and not let that realm tear ours apart.
Sisters, unite... put aside the past. The past is gone and we can all be reborn. In our new birth we can become as one for each other, and none for themselves. This is where we have power and where we must stay.
With love,
Goddess Serial
The least of the many.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Friday, 20 June 2014
Correction of false impressions
It's been brought to my attention that some Q have taken my recent comments incorrectly.
So, to clear things up:
People giving to the fleet is the lifeblood of us all. I really appreciate and feel so lucky that everyone gives so generously.
What I was trying to convey in my last comment is, that whilst this is true and important. I hold nothing above caring for others. .
When it comes to contributions, they are great, but what is greater is someone who cares for everyone and works to help people. Someone who does both is, awesome.
All give so much and without self interest. They show love for the fleet as a whole.
I :( can't give as much as you all, I always have not been able to give as much as I have been so lucky to receive. I feel honoured, by such amazing friends, but also bad that I can't keep up.
Most of my friends have never made me feel anything but special and important.
Speaking of friends, one of my great friends tells me of a company her friend runs which must be awesome (being a friend of my friend):
So check out :
So, to clear things up:
People giving to the fleet is the lifeblood of us all. I really appreciate and feel so lucky that everyone gives so generously.
What I was trying to convey in my last comment is, that whilst this is true and important. I hold nothing above caring for others. .
When it comes to contributions, they are great, but what is greater is someone who cares for everyone and works to help people. Someone who does both is, awesome.
All give so much and without self interest. They show love for the fleet as a whole.
I :( can't give as much as you all, I always have not been able to give as much as I have been so lucky to receive. I feel honoured, by such amazing friends, but also bad that I can't keep up.
Most of my friends have never made me feel anything but special and important.
Speaking of friends, one of my great friends tells me of a company her friend runs which must be awesome (being a friend of my friend):
So check out :
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Observations from a broken leader
Heya, Yun here. Finally found my login credentials again.
First of all, are most people really that uncomfortable with me being one of the leaders? I never got that feeling from anyone, aside from Aidan.
As for the Pirates, I have an overwhelming total of two toons in those fleets. Their fleet ranks are low, which is how I prefer it. The Pirate fleet has always come after friends and Goddesses.
I'm pretty sure I haven't complained about people buying fleet ships. If anything, I'd encourage more people to get them.
I did support Aidan for a long time and tried to be there for her, but when she started to attack the entire Pirates fleet, most of whom are my friends and most of whom were innocents in her initial conflict with a couple of main Pirate members, she crossed a major line with me.
All I wanted for the Goddesses chat was for it to be an environment free from hatred toward others, believing that such things should be kept private.
Long ago, Aidan asked me to tell her when she was being ridiculous and unreasonable.
I told Aidan to stop, but she wouldn't. I then kicked her out of the chat to make her see that she was being ridiculous and unreasonable.
I also warned her in official fleet leader capacity that if she'd do it again, she'd be kicked out of the fleet, since hatred is not what we're about.
Obviously, this backfired and instead escalated things further, as Aidan kicked most of my toons from the fleet.
Ever since, my self esteem took a major hit and it caused several relapses when it comes to my generalised anxiety disorder, caused by being severely bullied into a suicidal depression in the past.
I started to feel unwanted, unloved, alienated, not worthy enough to be human. Almost exactly how I felt when I was depressed.
And I felt manipulated against, though I never took action.
I feel vilified and demonised.
And I could do nothing but watch as everything we all built these past years almost came tumbling down. A fleet almost destroyed because of all of this stupidity.
All I ever wanted was peace and a place without hate.
Instead, there's nothing but ashes.
I'm very tempted to leave both the Goddesses and the game itself.
First of all, are most people really that uncomfortable with me being one of the leaders? I never got that feeling from anyone, aside from Aidan.
As for the Pirates, I have an overwhelming total of two toons in those fleets. Their fleet ranks are low, which is how I prefer it. The Pirate fleet has always come after friends and Goddesses.
I'm pretty sure I haven't complained about people buying fleet ships. If anything, I'd encourage more people to get them.
I did support Aidan for a long time and tried to be there for her, but when she started to attack the entire Pirates fleet, most of whom are my friends and most of whom were innocents in her initial conflict with a couple of main Pirate members, she crossed a major line with me.
All I wanted for the Goddesses chat was for it to be an environment free from hatred toward others, believing that such things should be kept private.
Long ago, Aidan asked me to tell her when she was being ridiculous and unreasonable.
I told Aidan to stop, but she wouldn't. I then kicked her out of the chat to make her see that she was being ridiculous and unreasonable.
I also warned her in official fleet leader capacity that if she'd do it again, she'd be kicked out of the fleet, since hatred is not what we're about.
Obviously, this backfired and instead escalated things further, as Aidan kicked most of my toons from the fleet.
Ever since, my self esteem took a major hit and it caused several relapses when it comes to my generalised anxiety disorder, caused by being severely bullied into a suicidal depression in the past.
I started to feel unwanted, unloved, alienated, not worthy enough to be human. Almost exactly how I felt when I was depressed.
And I felt manipulated against, though I never took action.
I feel vilified and demonised.
And I could do nothing but watch as everything we all built these past years almost came tumbling down. A fleet almost destroyed because of all of this stupidity.
All I ever wanted was peace and a place without hate.
Instead, there's nothing but ashes.
I'm very tempted to leave both the Goddesses and the game itself.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Goddessed Forums
Hi Girls,
I've got the mortal working on this, promise :).
He's going slow because basically outside of work he only gets 2 hours free time a day in the week and then whatever time he can grab at the weekends. The problem with that is *giggles* I grab every hour I can from him *winks* so it doesn't leave much time.
None the less, he has managed to make a starts. Though right now its not pretty and therefore not Goddess worthy, but I'll work with him on it :).
Happy hunting lovelies, save some Favours for me if you have spares *giggles*
I've got the mortal working on this, promise :).
He's going slow because basically outside of work he only gets 2 hours free time a day in the week and then whatever time he can grab at the weekends. The problem with that is *giggles* I grab every hour I can from him *winks* so it doesn't leave much time.
None the less, he has managed to make a starts. Though right now its not pretty and therefore not Goddess worthy, but I'll work with him on it :).
Happy hunting lovelies, save some Favours for me if you have spares *giggles*
Friday, 30 May 2014
How Aidan left the fleet (exactly)
I post this to make sure its not a "I asked Aidan to leave" version that gets repeated about.
Here is exactly what transpired:
(5:36:07 AM) fleudermaus: to be clear this fleet is no longer comfortable with someone Running things from another fleet (one that I left specifically to avoid this )(5:38:27 AM) fleudermaus: With Ang running Goddesses in absentia, the fleet is merely the Pirate Ladies Auxilliary
(5:38:58 AM) fleudermaus: Ang complained that someone bought 2 ships
(5:39:07 AM) fleudermaus: yes 2 people bought ships
(5:39:18 AM) fleudermaus: I approved both purchases
(5:39:41 AM) fleudermaus: if you will recall when ship purchasing was set up 2 people were chosen to run it
(5:39:48 AM) fleudermaus: Ang and Aidan
(5:40:20 AM) fleudermaus: Ang got excited about not having been consulted and reactively shut off Tier 6 access
(5:40:47 AM) fleudermaus: he never asked if the purchases had been approved or who even bought ships
(5:41:02 AM) fleudermaus: so from 53 we now have 51 ship provisions
(5:41:33 AM) fleudermaus: which means that if every active Goddess bought 2 ships today we would STILL HAVE PROVISIONS remaining
(5:42:02 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): hun.. you live in another world to the one I live in. Its like one of us is colour blind and the other isn't
(5:42:19 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): the net effect is, that things have become impossible now.(5:42:48 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I either have a real terrible bunch of friends here who have systematically picked on and been nasty to one friend
(5:42:50 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): aka you.
((5:42:59 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): or the truth is what is reported by the majority.
(5:42:50 AM) fleudermaus: When I found out that this whole stupid thing was to "Punish" me the exact word used...
(5:43:37 AM) fleudermaus: Ang didn't like what I said about Nem, fine
(5:43:37 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): in absence of any evidence to support your position, and what you have shown as evidence only supports that alot of people dislike you now.
(5:43:48 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I have to go with the majority
(5:44:19 AM) fleudermaus: then why am I here
ED: This was unfortunate timing, Aidan was possibly referring to "being in the fleet" I was referring to why I was talking to her. I was talking to her because she had said to me she had been thinking all week and I wanted to discover about what as a friend:
(5:44:46 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I was wanting to find out your thoughts.
ED: Here I was referring to the fleet stuff:
(5:44:56 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I was hoping for some new thoughts.
ED: Rachel has always been very nice in my experiences. I said this because I always leave room to be wrong, not because I had any reason to think this true:
(5:45:05 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): Either Rachel is a total bitch to you....
(5:45:21 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): which doesn't add up
(5:45:27 AM) fleudermaus: Rachel has been a complete bitch (at times)
(5:45:40 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): or your still stuck back before we had that huge chat about forums :(
(5:45:43 AM) fleudermaus: and will impulsively support Ang
(5:45:54 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): oh, I know she has Ang's back
.(5:46:03 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): but she doesn't support unsupportable things.
(5:46:18 AM) fleudermaus: I was fine until the statement was made that this whole things was to "punish" me
(5:46:35 AM) fleudermaus: That has REALLY set me off
(5:46:52 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): can you post me the entire chat log. I think you may need a fresh perspective
(5:47:04 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): since Rachel has spoken to me and its a different story.(5:47:09 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): not about you
(5:47:15 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): she didn't focus on you
(5:47:23 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): she spoke about the Forums and moving fowards.
(5:48:12 AM) fleudermaus:
(5:57:14 AM) fleudermaus: Ultimately, it is clear that they are predisposed (as you can clearly see) to enmity
(5:58:09 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): her use of the word "punishment" was unwise.
(5:58:17 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): her words where otherwise sound
(5:59:20 AM) fleudermaus: Well it shows their true intent
(5:59:43 AM) fleudermaus: Leavng Pirates on my own to avoid this was not enough
(6:00:07 AM) fleudermaus: They literally chased me down in Goddesses to put me down
(6:00:40 AM) fleudermaus: now they have me at level 6 so bootable on a whim
ED: So here two of my friend have been accused of persecuting another of my friends. I know this not to be the case. What else can I do, was my thoughts:
(6:13:13 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I've reached a conclusion:
(6:13:52 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): you have left me with no choices.
(6:14:08 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I can't see a way forward whilst you are unwilling to work with the rest of the fleet.
(6:14:23 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): you take too much of my time in a very negative way(6:14:36 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): you take Serial away from the fleet.
(6:14:43 AM) fleudermaus: ok
(6:15:29 AM) fleudermaus: I get it', I'm .. .on my way
ED: Everyone please note, I did not ask Aidan to leave the fleet. I did say she had left me with no choices, which is entirely true.
(6:15:36 AM) fleudermaus: but let me say one thing
(6:15:41 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): im sorry. I really tried.
(6:15:58 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): please
(6:16:01 AM) fleudermaus: I never had any options.. the clique made up it's mind a while ago
(6:16:07 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): always say, you are a friend independantly of the fleet(6:18:06 AM) fleudermaus: set to normal not Operator
(6:19:29 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): its still very sad to lose you, even though I had no more options. It hurts. I hate where we ended up.
ED: I had no more options, but Aidan could have given some by agreeing to get along with the other fleet members and stop accusing each of them Ang and Rach with focus of being against her and hounding her.
(6:19:54 AM) fleudermaus: Frankly when you only believe one side the end is pre-decided
(6:20:26 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): when every voice on the 'one side' says same story, but the other side has one voice and one different story.
(6:20:37 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): and secondly, when the one voice won't let go .
(6:21:21 AM) fleudermaus: Ang and Rachel are not the majority but they are who you listen to
ED: I do fully admit Ang and Rach have heavy weighting, as does Rho, Bane, Candy and now a days Lirien. Adian had so much leverage I nearly (or perhaps did) run the fleet aground just to try and fix things for her.
(6:21:24 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): prehaps all the other people, Nem, Ang, Rach, etc. have only one story between them. Though, they did all try speaking with you and I know you got ang on Skype
(6:23:02 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): but, Daisy, T'Kyr have same story
(6:23:10 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): Angel backs you
(6:23:21 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): shes your equivilent of Ang and Rach
(6:24:12 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): sorry didn't notice you had logged. did you get last messages?
(6:24:42 AM) fleudermaus: not sure it matters, I'm out of your hair, be happy, have a party taell Aidan jokes with Rachel and Ang
(6:26:53 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): you still don't get it, I care about you, care so much I risked losing all my friends to keep you in the fleet.
(6:27:33 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): I even gave us a way to move forwards.
ED: Do you see how she left me no choices? Such horrid thoughts about friends, to suggest that we laugh and joke about the upset of a friend. Goddesses do not. They do their best to try to find answers.
(6:27:38 AM) fleudermaus: I had thought Goddesses to be my home, safe, but I was wrong
(6:27:41 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): a complete rebuild of the fleet
(6:28:15 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): but look what happened today. I managed to play with no-one because I was covering old ground with you
ED: This is what I mean about giving me no choices. I could either be forever embroiled in the drama Aidan has and fuels between her and Ang, Rach, Nem and others or I can .. do what.... I have no choice. Even with Aidan having left the fleet, it may solve nothing if she doesn't drop her animosity towards others.
(6:29:11 AM) fleudermaus: Ang does and Rachel does
(6:30:11 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): because they where your friends and you acted towards them like they where your enemies.
(6:31:01 AM) DoggyDude (Serials Owner): Do you know that Ang, before you went Anti-Pirate supported you more than you realised.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
A new era for the Goddesses (aka back to the basics)
Things we agreed:
(6:27:32 AM) DoggyDude: hiya :)(6:28:32 AM) fleudermaus: Hello Seri <3
(6:28:34 AM) thorodal: Ah, there's the woman that I needed to reinstate... don't you dare pulling this stunt again
(6:28:57 AM) kyrissis: hi serial
(6:29:56 AM) DoggyDude: Lirien, I'm tired honey. Tired of all the bickering and the fighting. I am just one of the Q. Nothing else is important.
(6:30:38 AM) DoggyDude: and I have a full purse *pouts* mortal.. can't it be bottomless? I can do it in a snap :D
(6:31:37 AM) DoggyDude: heading to EDS :)
(6:31:47 AM) dgreiwe1985: ^.^
(6:31:54 AM) fleudermaus: ESD?
(6:32:34 AM) DoggyDude: *giggles* there too
(6:32:42 AM) Col.Potter:
(6:33:54 AM) thorodal: Oh, and Seri: I don't know what the f*ck happened between you and Candy, but you should know that almost all of her toons have left the fleet
(6:34:43 AM) dgreiwe1985: please do these kind of conversations in private tell please
Serry. ED: Good old Kendra *hugs*
(6:35:50 AM) DoggyDude: nothing happened between Candy and me. I'm just letting anyone who wants to go, go.
(6:36:12 AM) kyrissis: well doesn't everyone always have that ability and right?
(6:36:20 AM) DoggyDude: I'm tired of caring for people who care more about status, organisation and other issues and not about the fleet.
(6:37:19 AM) thorodal: No, I want to call out EVERYONE in the fleet: All of this drama-queening, intriguing and short-sighted one-way decision making need to stop at once
(6:38:19 AM) fleudermaus: ESD 5 for Goddesses together
(6:38:53 AM) kyrissis: AGREED- I sorta feel the TOP priority for every Goddess should be the OTHER Goddesses- the fleet members- and NOT anything else coming before that
(6:39:18 AM) thorodal: You are right in one thing, Seri: People in this fleet have become way too self-centred to make a fleet work, but you are no exception to this.
Serry ED: *pouts* Well I never put it quite that way! I would say that some Goddesses lost direction and forgot what makes the fleet great. That and I have not been providing what Q need to be happy.
(6:39:26 AM) kyrissis: people count more than objects
(6:40:17 AM) thorodal: You can't just bail out from being the fleet's leader WHICH YOU ARE once the road is getting a bit more bumpy
Serry ED: I was never bailing on anything *double pout*. I was showing how rank is unimportant, I love this fleet not silly titles or what it can do for me in terms of game trinkets. I do want us all to do well though and help everyone to make Goddesses a place they are happy; I hope to achieve this by following what everyone has asked, but most importantly, giving people the structure they are asking for.
(6:41:42 AM) fleudermaus: Please everyone stop
(6:41:45 AM) fleudermaus: please
(6:42:15 AM) fleudermaus: for the damage of my reaction to another sister I am truly and abjectly sorry
(6:42:43 AM) fleudermaus: the way forward is through fleet events and being together
(6:43:44 AM) fleudermaus: it will only take a little effort to recapture our family spirit
(6:43:53 AM) thorodal: Aidan, credit when credit is due: This is the first constructive thing I heard from you in a loooong time. But you'll have to tell this Ang as well, you know that.
(6:44:16 AM) fleudermaus: I have apologized to Ang directly in Skype
(6:44:22 AM) thorodal: Great^^
(6:44:46 AM) dgreiwe1985: Hi Hanna
(6:44:46 AM) fleudermaus: but you must understand that my reaction was in fact ... a reaction
(6:45:03 AM) fleudermaus: that said it was ... an over-reaction
(6:45:14 AM) fleudermaus: this I admit freely and I will not defend it
(6:45:37 AM) DoggyDude: Yes, people count.
(6:45:56 AM) thorodal: Seri: You are this fleet's leader. This means you occasionally will have to make tough decisions. The fleet has reached a size where giggling it out will not always work anymore and you have to get
Serry ED: In the past everyone would help make it so there wasn't so many tough decisions by people cooperating ((Though I grant that was made hard by the way Cryptic took the game)).
I giggle therefore I am *sage*.
(6:46:05 AM) fleudermaus: I was hurt by my sister and hurt her in return and that is something I should NEVER have done and please believe I have regretted this terribly
(6:46:06 AM) DoggyDude: Lirien, I was not bailing out.. I was setting an example .
(6:46:43 AM) thorodal: By basically making this fleet without leadership?
Serry ED: My lead, if anything, is to show what a Goddess is. I live and love this fleet.
(6:47:37 AM) fleudermaus: so at this point let us all accept that Ang and I have something to resolve and amend between us and let us all be sisters once more Please I beg you
(6:47:39 AM) kyrissis: I have to say-publicly- I do understand what Serial was trying to attempt to show- but I do NOT agree with doing it that way
Serry ED: Thank you T *hugs*
(6:48:06 AM) thorodal: Aidan, that's not the only problem anymore
(6:48:32 AM) thorodal: You and Ang just started an avalanche that we need to stop already
(6:49:09 AM) thorodal: Because everyone of us is SICK AND TIRED of drama ruining the weekends
(6:49:09 AM) kyrissis: well part of the problem is some players do not want to log into a game they play for fun and relaxation and then encounter all this on going stress and dialog
(6:49:23 AM) kyrissis: so eventually they are faced with not logging in or leaving fleet
Serry ED: T_T.. but I don't make the drama. I don't want Q to leave.
(6:49:26 AM) DoggyDude: *she looks sad* when I started this fleet, it was to find all the other Q. I found people I love to play with, I found fabulous and fun people. The fleet was always about Q and a Q was about knowing
(6:49:43 AM) DoggyDude: knowing your amazing, knowing your friends are amazing.. knowing its all you need.
(6:49:57 AM) DoggyDude: I've never been a leader, only all of your friends.
(6:50:08 AM) DoggyDude: ((she included me :))
(6:50:21 AM) kyrissis: well sometimes you need a leader
(6:50:25 AM) DoggyDude: All I hoped for was that people could find ways to get along.
(6:50:42 AM) thorodal: Seri, I know where you come from here, but you must understand that with the rate the fleet has been growing lately it's sometimes necessary to call people out on their BS
(6:50:54 AM) kyrissis: you sadly have an idealized view of people
(6:50:57 AM) DoggyDude: Which is why its time for me to step down, I have leaders robes but all I want it fun with all of Q.
(6:51:14 AM) kyrissis: most people-even good ones- are NOT good at seeing things form someone else's view point
(6:51:17 AM) thorodal: Fair enough, but not without having a replacement first
(6:51:18 AM) DoggyDude: If people need leaders, they can have anyone they want.
Serry ED: I liked the idea of a Q Council (suggested later).
(6:51:27 AM) kyrissis: so NO ONE is seeing the whole picture
(6:51:49 AM) fleudermaus: You cannot see the picture if you are IN the picture
(6:52:21 AM) kyrissis: no this isn't a democracy- leaders aren't chosen by straw polls- good leader emerge from having the conviction of conscience to do the right thing- that's not something you can vote to create
(6:52:39 AM) thorodal: Oh, and Candy? Are you reading along?
(6:53:19 AM) kyrissis: You can Aidan but it is hard to step back form stress and anger and hurt feelings to try to be more rational and see what others maybe feelings and thinking
(6:53:25 AM) kyrissis: its real hard
(6:53:39 AM) Holmes-III: yes
(6:54:19 AM) thorodal: Playing ostrich isn't helpful either. If you are having issues you need to bring them up, not remain silent on them until you get so frustrated you're leaving the fleet
(6:54:36 AM) Col.Potter: May I say something outrageous?
(6:54:47 AM) kyrissis: sure- smile- you always do
(6:54:57 AM) kyrissis: hehe
(6:55:11 AM) Col.Potter: I'm finding myself agreeing with Lirein
(6:55:11 AM) kyrissis: just make sure you spell my name right
(6:55:22 AM) kyrissis: well I am as well
(6:55:31 AM) Col.Potter: not directing it at any one person
(6:55:39 AM) kyrissis: nor am I
(6:55:56 AM) kyrissis: well except that crazy Daisy chick
(6:56:04 AM) kyrissis: she needs a smack
Serry ED: LOL
(6:56:04 AM) Col.Potter: but there's been a history of avoiding a minute or two of stress to resolve an issue with head buring.
(6:56:13 AM) dgreiwe1985: lol crazy daisy XD
(6:56:44 AM) kyrissis: nod
(6:57:19 AM) Col.Potter: a giggle may keep you from sweating the small stuff, but too many giggles and here you are.
(6:57:28 AM) DoggyDude: I cannot be a leader (the type your all wanting), all I want is to make sure everyone is happy. A leader has to by nature make some sad and others fulfilled.
(6:57:34 AM) thorodal: So, please, Candy, get your toons back into the fleet and speak up more if somethings bothering you... you want to be top tier with Seri, Rho, Kendra and the others? Then ACT the part and speak up if
Serry ED: AMEN! Please Candy. You broke all our hearts when you left.
(6:57:45 AM) DoggyDude: I am calling for a vote, and I want everyone to vote in this so its going to be on the blog.
(6:57:52 AM) DoggyDude: who you all want to lead.
Serry ED: What I mean here is, who you think is going to give you what I fail to provide in the fleet.
(6:57:54 AM) thorodal: something's bothering you instead of sticking your head into the sand
(6:57:59 AM) DoggyDude: I mean LEAD not, be Serry
(6:58:07 AM) DoggyDude: Serry is all I am.
(6:58:07 AM) Col.Potter: Outrageous point #2: I don't think there's a problem with a figurehead.
(6:58:43 AM) Holmes-III: I tried several times but no one listened
Serry ED: Candy, please don't confuse things not being sorted with no one listening *hug*
(6:58:46 AM) kyrissis: Serial is a figure head and that's fine if you got a good executive officer
(6:59:00 AM) kyrissis: someone who is gonna do the dirty work of running the dang ship
(6:59:22 AM) Col.Potter: Find yourself a Riker, Jean Luc Piserry
(7:00:08 AM) thorodal: Oh, and about that Blog: I don't think it needs our needs anymore seeing how many opinions we have become by now. We really need a goddamn forum
(7:00:17 AM) thorodal: *fits our needs
Serry ED: I will try to make this happen.
(7:03:40 AM) kyrissis: well how we all can communicate and in what form is just one thing to consider- but tis important cause if we don't find a venue to get everyone talking this wont work
(7:05:06 AM) thorodal: A forum would just be perfect as it makes discussing important issues and problems possible for all without having to consider time zones
(7:06:41 AM) Holmes-III: I've been in the fleet a long time and when i started it was small, but I was always there helping,
Serry ED: Candy, you have given one heaven of a lot for this fleet. You have always stuck by us. I just wish you had held on :(. I kind of get why you felt you had to leave, to make a 'stand' to 'show how unhappy you where'. I knew the problems, but, I didn't have the solutions because there where so many sides and so many Q with valid points. No one was happy but everyone had an influence. I don't think this will be the way when we move forwards, though I make these changes with the hope of there being a forwards to move to.
7:08:00 AM) DoggyDude: I know Candy.
(7:08:02 AM) Holmes-III: Seri and Ang voted me in as one of the founders
(7:08:04 AM) DoggyDude: You have always worked hard.
(7:08:20 AM) DoggyDude: and I never regreted that
(7:08:21 AM) Holmes-III: i was voted in
(7:08:36 AM) Holmes-III: it was not handed out
(7:09:09 AM) kyrissis: unlike mine- which WAS handed out
Serry ED: T'Kyr, you deserve to be among the leaders of this fleet. I regret giving high ranking to no one, though I admit that not every choice I made was the best.
(7:09:24 AM) Holmes-III: i still believe that the fleet needs the core 5 to lead the fleet
Serry ED: Who will that be. Ang and Me are the only founders remaining. The next longest fleet association I recall is Rho / Zoe. Though Rho is very active in many places. After Rho, Zen is probably next. Though Zen hasn't had much time in game. Candy is the next Q. So I guess the core 5 would be: Ang, Serry, Zen, Zoe and Candy. Strictly. Then Lirien has put in a lot of work, and so has Aidan and Asag. Bane has given a crap load, more than we could ever ask for (thank you Bane). Kendra has been awesome. T'Kyr not asked for anything just helped every Q. There are so many worthy Q. This is part of the problem I've had.
(7:09:34 AM) kyrissis: and not earned in any fashion
Serry ED: Disagree strongly
(7:09:35 AM) DoggyDude: Hi Hanna.
(7:09:41 AM) Holmes-III: this is a big job for one
(7:09:49 AM) thorodal: *takes deep breath* Ah, that rant felt good... and seemed to have triggered just the right issue *likes what she sees in chat*
(7:09:59 AM) thorodal: *issues
(7:10:11 AM) DoggyDude: T, you've proved yourself to be MORE than worthy
(7:10:17 AM) kyrissis: well no leader can be on enouhg to keep everything moving ahead smoothly
(7:10:36 AM) kyrissis: NO_i have proven my self to have an opinion- same as everyone else
(7:10:41 AM) thorodal: Oh, dinner's ready... afk
(7:11:01 AM) dgreiwe1985: hm...
(7:11:18 AM) DoggyDude: nods to Lirein, mortal needs a feed :)
(7:11:54 AM) DoggyDude: T, ever since you came, you had my heart. You just wanted to have fun and to help everyone have fun here.
(7:12:02 AM) DoggyDude: you spoke up for justice
(7:12:14 AM) DoggyDude: and you comforted those who had seen trials
(7:12:53 AM) DoggyDude: you, in being yourself, are the essence of all I care for. So, you might have been handed it, but you deserved more.
(7:13:18 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, you are always quite.. but you work so hard.
(7:13:20 AM) kyrissis: well the fact you like hanging out withj me and feel -as i hope others may also- that soime of my statements make sense- is great- but that dont make me someone who is more important anyone els
(7:13:33 AM) DoggyDude: *ED Candy:You answer tells and you don't make a fuss.
(7:13:43 AM) DoggyDude: *Candy: You earned a lot but I have never once had you ask for anything
(7:13:50 AM) DoggyDude: this is the heart of a Q
(7:13:58 AM) Holmes-III: SO since i was originally voyed in as a founder, I found myself outside the core 5
(7:14:12 AM) Holmes-III: *voted
(7:14:50 AM) Holmes-III: these 5 ppl should being leading the fleet
(7:15:49 AM) DoggyDude: I have always tried to back you Candy. I don't know how well I've done.
(7:15:54 AM) fleudermaus: Well I don't believe it needs to be so limited
Serry ED: Adian, although I can't speak in entirely glowing tones when it comes to our history. I can speak in glowing tones about your heart within the fleet. You've really cared for the fleet and tried to make things great. You just got a little carried away. I want you to get the rewards your efforts have deserved and I also want things to be set back to before we all started losing sight of our friends.
(7:15:58 AM) Holmes-III: but when i found that i was not a core member i felt betrayed
(7:16:13 AM) fleudermaus: *nods*
(7:16:35 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, when where you ever not a core member? 8|
Serry ED: Candy, you've always been core. Vital. I've told others that you leaving the fleet, was like a big part of the fleet dying. Being core, doesn't mean things will go the way we want. In fact, in some ways the opposite. It means we do our best to make the fleet live. You have done that, a lot. You almost single headedly stocked the fleet bank with anomalies when they where thought to be required. Your work does not go unnoticed (not by me anyway). I want you to feel at home in the fleet, but I can't do that by making others feel rejected (when they have not done intentional harm).
(7:16:38 AM) fleudermaus: the vote was for 2 leaders and all else at tier 6
Serry ED: Yes, and it was bad I did not action this properly at the time. Though it was also ill considered as after it was agreed I realised the consequences (like Rho not being at the meeting, and that Liren and others would be punished rather unfairly).
7:17:00 AM) kyrissis: rightfully so I think Candy- if that title was earned over the years with dedication and hard work on behalf of the fleet
(7:17:08 AM) DoggyDude: I can list the people I feel are core right now, and Candy your name is in the LIST.
(7:17:16 AM) DoggyDude: I felt betrayed when you left us :(
(7:17:26 AM) DoggyDude: It was like part of the heart leaving the body.
(7:17:38 AM) fleudermaus: no more talk of betrayals
(7:17:56 AM) DoggyDude: I meant to say, I didn't understand.
(7:18:13 AM) fleudermaus: some things have happened between several of us that have hurt...
(7:18:19 AM) fleudermaus: We need to reset things
(7:18:37 AM) fleudermaus: all return to where we were before it all started
(7:18:49 AM) fleudermaus: and THEN build the way forward
(7:18:55 AM) fleudermaus: PLEASE
(7:18:55 AM) DoggyDude: I want you back Candy. I never wanted you to leave :(
(7:19:09 AM) DoggyDude: I said that.. I thought I had explained.
(7:19:21 AM) DoggyDude: ((I did write the words.))
(7:19:32 AM) fleudermaus: I think the core idea is too limiting
(7:19:40 AM) fleudermaus: and it excludes people
(7:20:00 AM) dgreiwe1985: and what will u do?
(7:20:14 AM) dgreiwe1985: the core thing is not a bad idea
(7:20:52 AM) Col.Potter: a core with defined roles and a strong knowledge pool is fine.
(7:21:18 AM) fleudermaus: Who is and who is not included becomes very subjective without a set of rules... and that becomes divisive
(7:21:46 AM) Holmes-III: a goverment has leaders
Serry ED: Yes it does Candy. Do you see the fleet as a Government? Did you come to us because we governed?
(7:21:59 AM) thorodal: back
(7:22:04 AM) DoggyDude: wb Lirien.
(7:22:10 AM) thorodal: What did I miss?
(7:22:17 AM) Holmes-III: a governing body
(7:22:26 AM) Col.Potter: T bought us all fanta and sausages.
(7:22:36 AM) fleudermaus: I've spent 29 years in one of the most ridged structures you can imagine... I hardly think that is what we want here
(7:22:38 AM) Col.Potter: we're waiting on strudle now
(7:22:43 AM) kyrissis: well where we were b4 was with EVERYONE being a founder(which IMO made the toitel sorta useless) and everyone therefore being able to demote anyone else (which made it dangerous)
(7:22:53 AM) DoggyDude: I like Strudel :)
(7:23:24 AM) thorodal: Oh... does that mean Candy's sweet sugarass is rejoining our ranks? :3
(7:23:41 AM) RachelJ88: Heyas
(7:23:43 AM) Holmes-III: lol
(7:23:48 AM) fleudermaus: Hello Rachel
(7:23:48 AM) DoggyDude: Hi Rachel.
(7:23:58 AM) RachelJ88: :)
(7:24:01 AM) Col.Potter: unsure, that was my enlightened guess as to what you had for supper :P
(7:24:06 AM) Holmes-III: Hi Rachel
(7:24:12 AM) DoggyDude: I hope Candy is coming back, and Ang. I miss them.
(7:24:20 AM) kyrissis: Hi Rachael
(7:24:49 AM) RachelJ88: *hugs all*
(7:24:51 AM) kyrissis: I jsut dont feel the need to be a founder in order to be treated fairly and to be able to express my opinion
(7:25:03 AM) kyrissis: and i dont think we need everyone to be one
(7:25:05 AM) Holmes-III: having some form of leadership or a governing body is needed
(7:25:19 AM) Holmes-III: *hugs*
(7:25:38 AM) DoggyDude: *hugs back*
(7:25:46 AM) thorodal: And it should be an uneven number to ensure that there are no stalemates on decissions
(7:26:04 AM) Holmes-III: right the 5
(7:26:27 AM) fleudermaus: Then by Participation and Contributions (Merit)
(7:27:00 AM) Holmes-III: length of service
(7:27:02 AM) thorodal: ...and I still think we need a forum :P
(7:27:29 AM) fleudermaus: mere length would allow someone to sit mostly and do nothing -
(7:27:47 AM) Col.Potter: Lenght of service would have meant I'd outrank many of you.
(7:28:07 AM) kyrissis: OK- IMO_ a founder aka leader should be someone who is a trouble shooter and problem solver- -
(7:28:08 AM) DoggyDude: ((Thorodal, I could arrange a forum))
(7:28:11 AM) Holmes-III: whatever
(7:28:20 AM) RachelJ88: being a Goddess isn't about contributions, those in the 5 at the moment, have deservedly gained their place
(7:28:41 AM) RachelJ88: yet one of them who was voted in is not there
(7:28:53 AM) Col.Potter: the issue of contributions was raised by whom?
(7:28:55 AM) RachelJ88: and there is one in the 5 that wasn't agreed upon
(7:28:56 AM) dgreiwe1985: afk for a few min. brb
(7:29:00 AM) Holmes-III: we are just around in circles
(7:29:03 AM) fleudermaus: there are a few that aren't actually Rachel
(7:29:06 AM) DoggyDude: I would like to be a babe again :). I could see if I can earn my way back *giggles*
(7:29:09 AM) RachelJ88: "Aidan@fleudermaus: Then by Participation and Contributions (Merit)"
(7:29:19 AM) kyrissis: and one other issue that was mentionned- leaders have permisison to give access to fleet project so we need to ensure that people who arent lkeaders have their access stuill to what they earned
(7:29:20 AM) thorodal: That would be great, Seri
(7:29:25 AM) kyrissis: vis their contributions
(7:29:25 AM) Col.Potter: Ah, Aidan then.
(7:30:11 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, what did you mean by "whatever". I want you to know your opinion matters greatly here, in my books :)
(7:30:58 AM) Holmes-III: I did
(7:32:10 AM) fleudermaus: Well I have had an idea but I'm not sure anyone will like it
(7:32:31 AM) RachelJ88: say it any feedback is needed to move forward "you said to be move forward is the key"
(7:32:46 AM) Holmes-III: if we as a fleet are to move forward we need strong leadership
(7:33:12 AM) fleudermaus: it was the original idea actually of the 2 remaining founders Seri and Ang at tier 7 with those of us that HAVE been at 7 now at level 6 as a sort of "council"
(7:33:26 AM) RachelJ88: a coucil is a good idea
(7:33:43 AM) DoggyDude: well, I am glad for you all to pick someone :) If the fleet gets back to where it used to be, I'd do anything. Including giving up my Excelsior
(7:33:48 AM) RachelJ88: a forum would be required for that
(7:33:48 AM) fleudermaus: That is my idea and I'll stand here for the requisite tomato toss now
(7:34:12 AM) DoggyDude: ((ill begin arranging a forum))
Serry ED: This has begun.
(7:34:22 AM) kyrissis: its watermelons actually
(7:34:31 AM) fleudermaus: as you wish....
(7:34:41 AM) Holmes-III: stop with the jokes
(7:34:47 AM) RachelJ88: aww but I brought these tiny tomato's
(7:35:09 AM) kyrissis: go ahead Aidan
(7:35:12 AM) fleudermaus: if they're sweet cherry tomatoes I'm just having a bit of salad
(7:35:20 AM) RachelJ88: lol
(7:35:22 AM) DoggyDude: lol Rachel.
(7:35:30 AM) Holmes-III: ok
(7:35:30 AM) thorodal: I recommend postponing any organisatorial problems to when the forum is up. This way we can work things out before implementing things and stomping on each others toes again
(7:35:43 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, we are taking the talk seriously. but lightening the convo is good *hug*
(7:35:45 AM) RachelJ88: if a council is to be created
(7:35:56 AM) fleudermaus: well I think those of us that have been at 7 can serve at 6 on the council to support Ang and Seri as our leaders
(7:36:05 AM) RachelJ88: then a founding 5 is no longer needed
(7:36:17 AM) DoggyDude: So, does everyone agree with Candy about needing strong leadership?
(7:36:20 AM) RachelJ88: I agree that Serial and Ang should be top
(7:36:41 AM) Col.Potter: you'd still need an odd number on top. prevents deadlock.
(7:36:56 AM) Holmes-III: that is true
(7:36:59 AM) RachelJ88: then the council will have the final word
(7:37:00 AM) fleudermaus: that accommodates the "length" aspect for Leaders and the Merit aspect for the council
(7:37:11 AM) fleudermaus: in my view.....
(7:37:12 AM) RachelJ88: Ang - Serial - Council
(7:37:52 AM) RachelJ88: if Ang and Serial can't decide, Council will have to break it
(7:38:10 AM) Holmes-III: ok
(7:38:19 AM) thorodal: That means that the council needs to be odd
(7:38:28 AM) thorodal: *needs
(7:38:38 AM) kyrissis: Trust me- the council is plenty odd
(7:38:40 AM) fleudermaus: Most of us are a bit odd already thoro
(7:38:44 AM) DoggyDude: LOL T
(7:39:12 AM) thorodal: Seems like people are starting to think alike again... good :P
(7:39:19 AM) Holmes-III: who are the council members
(7:39:31 AM) RachelJ88: anyone currently council
(7:39:48 AM) RachelJ88: and 3 who aren't @Angarus and @Doggydue
(7:40:07 AM) RachelJ88: lol @Doggydude*
(7:40:19 AM) thorodal: Candy, Rho, Aidan, Me, Kendra... did I miss someone?
Serry ED: Recognises, Bane and Zen
(7:40:19 AM) Holmes-III: lol
(7:40:55 AM) Holmes-III: no
(7:41:26 AM) DoggyDude: :)
(7:41:59 AM) DoggyDude: and, it seems to me, we need a way of rewarding / acknowledging other core people?
(7:42:13 AM) thorodal: perfect. But let's decide on the details in the forums once Seri set that up. Otherwise none of us will be playing much today XD
(7:42:33 AM) DoggyDude: this is true.
(7:42:43 AM) RachelJ88: well
(7:42:51 AM) RachelJ88: the forum would give you that option
(7:43:02 AM) RachelJ88: you can have the open part of the forum where anyone can post
(7:43:08 AM) RachelJ88: and the council part
(7:43:29 AM) RachelJ88: the council part could have a Member Achievement thread
(7:43:54 AM) DoggyDude: ((I could set up a basic forum in about 2 days (I think))
Serry ED: Damn, I was woefully wrong. Going to be at least a week. I have the template, but getting it Goddess worthy will take time.
(7:43:56 AM) RachelJ88: if X has been spending time in missions, and is Babe rank, post in the forums that they be promoted
(7:45:05 AM) RachelJ88: it'll keep detailed history
(7:45:17 AM) Holmes-III: I also believe that Rachel should have a council seat
(7:45:18 AM) RachelJ88: of who/what/why they are where they are
(7:46:04 AM) thorodal: Then we would have an even numbered council though. If Rachel were to join we needed one more
(7:46:14 AM) fleudermaus: Mischa then
Serry ED: Mischies is super special, but she was not a Goddess core member. She's a Mischie (and she will admit it ;)).
(7:46:30 AM) fleudermaus: or Asag....
(7:46:38 AM) DoggyDude: Mischies has order of Isis to consider.
(7:46:44 AM) DoggyDude: Asag needs recognising.
(7:46:48 AM) thorodal: Again, girls: Those are details that we should discuss in the forums.
(7:46:50 AM) fleudermaus: Asag I must say has contributed a LOT in a short span
(7:46:55 AM) DoggyDude: Bane too.
(7:47:09 AM) fleudermaus: we need to get Bane back in fleet
(7:47:16 AM) thorodal: We know which five NEED to be in the council any other nominees can be discussed later
(7:47:42 AM) fleudermaus: agreed thoro, thank you
(7:47:49 AM) DoggyDude: ((unfortunately I can't fast track the forum, because I have to hunt for a new flat))
(7:48:00 AM) DoggyDude: ((this weekend anyway))
(7:48:00 AM) fleudermaus: v.v
(7:48:03 AM) RachelJ88: its Ok Serry
(7:48:27 AM) DoggyDude: ((thanks :))
(7:48:30 AM) fleudermaus: Now that we have a plan for a way forward and everyone is now breathing again....
(7:48:36 AM) thorodal: Just set it up and make the seven we already agreed on Admins. I'm sure we can build up the forums together :P
(7:48:59 AM) RachelJ88: I don't think all 7 should be admins
(7:49:27 AM) RachelJ88: there are alternative Forum ranks besides everyone being admin
7:49:52 AM) thorodal: OK, but they need to be moderators
(7:50:03 AM) RachelJ88: yes agreed
(7:50:12 AM) dgreiwe1985: back :)
(7:50:12 AM) fleudermaus: I think we will cross that bridge when we come to it
(7:51:02 AM) RachelJ88: welcome back Kendra
(7:51:02 AM) thorodal: Will be blunt here though: I have a few ideas on the structure of the forums, so I wouldn't mind being Admin to set it up xD
(7:51:11 AM) dgreiwe1985: thank you
(7:51:45 AM) fleudermaus: Frankly Thoro you have already demonstrated your Administrative ability so I hardly think anyone would argue
(7:52:07 AM) RachelJ88: ok for now, can we agree that everyone in their currently fleet rank does not move until the Forum is a go and we can register peoples positions?
(7:52:22 AM) DoggyDude: Night Night T :)
(7:52:25 AM) thorodal: Lets just say I would prefer to avoid having to make a rant like that again :P
(7:52:35 AM) kyrissis: sadly i gotta log- work soon- be safe all
(7:52:37 AM) RachelJ88: a locked thread with every players @handle showing their rank should be a must
(7:52:44 AM) RachelJ88: see you T
(7:52:48 AM) kyrissis left the room.
(7:53:08 AM) fleudermaus: Nothing should happen before it is written - we've already created a situation when what was decided is not what happened so let's ensure it's all done and agreed upon before any changes - yes
(7:53:37 AM) thorodal: Only one change I want to have happening right now :P
(7:53:45 AM) DoggyDude: ((Yes, with a forum proper voting can occur))
(7:53:58 AM) RachelJ88: x I suppose
7:54:39 AM) thorodal: And that change I want right now is regarding Candy: COME BACK!!!!11eleven
(7:55:13 AM) DoggyDude: Nods. I miss my sis. Candy.
(7:55:28 AM) DoggyDude: How can we make you know how important you are Candy?
(7:55:55 AM) RachelJ88: head Council?
(7:56:06 AM) Holmes-III: so are we set for the council and the fleet going forward
(7:56:24 AM) DoggyDude: What we talked about here, must happen IMO
(7:56:32 AM) Holmes-III: oh I like that
(7:56:38 AM) DoggyDude: especially the part about Candy coming back
(7:56:40 AM) DoggyDude: :)
(7:56:43 AM) DoggyDude: but all of it.
(7:56:45 AM) Holmes-III: thanks Rachel
(7:56:47 AM) DoggyDude: so Candy stays
(7:57:58 AM) Holmes-III: head council ?
(7:58:26 AM) RachelJ88: basically if there's a council issue... they come to you and only you
(7:59:34 AM) fleudermaus: I think I just missed something
(8:00:07 AM) DoggyDude: ((I''m recording chat log))
(8:00:27 AM) DoggyDude: ((will repost to blog with 'to do' list, after))
(8:00:57 AM) Holmes-III: any thought
(8:01:36 AM) Holmes-III: the council should have a chairperson
8:02:34 AM) thorodal: Hmm... agreed on that. I also think that the head council should be able to break a stalemate inside the council if it should occur somehow
(8:02:48 AM) DoggyDude: im happy with whatever everyone agrees, you know me :)
(8:02:59 AM) fleudermaus: than the council itself will need to decide who will be chair
(8:03:14 AM) DoggyDude: Aidan has a good idea there :)
(8:03:27 AM) thorodal: But again, those are details we can discuss later
(8:03:28 AM) DoggyDude: the council could vote every N for whos to lead.
(8:04:30 AM) fleudermaus: whhhheeeee
(8:04:32 AM) dgreiwe1985: GOD that was CLOSE :D
(8:04:33 AM) RachelJ88: well that was close :P
(8:04:34 AM) fleudermaus: yay team
(8:04:40 AM) fleudermaus: 3 seconds
(8:04:41 AM) fleudermaus: hehe
(8:04:52 AM) Holmes-III: ???
(8:05:08 AM) thorodal: They were doing an FFA
(8:05:11 AM) DoggyDude: 3 seconds for FFA :)
(8:05:23 AM) Holmes-III: oh
(8:05:25 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, will you fly with us? :)
(8:05:31 AM) DoggyDude: or Colony?
(8:05:39 AM) fleudermaus: Candy can go in my stead
(8:05:45 AM) fleudermaus: ^^
(8:05:47 AM) RachelJ88: switching a tick
(8:05:52 AM) RachelJ88: Aidan you have my spot
(8:06:06 AM) fleudermaus: x then...
(8:06:14 AM) Holmes-III: no go ahead
(8:06:15 AM) fleudermaus: come back Rachel v.v
(8:06:15 AM) RachelJ88: back
(8:06:25 AM) DoggyDude: wb :)
(8:06:32 AM) fleudermaus: yay!
(8:06:47 AM) DoggyDude: forming team in 48 seconds :D I think we need some tub time
(8:06:56 AM) dgreiwe1985: nice pet serry. is that new?
(8:07:00 AM) fleudermaus: x
(8:07:25 AM) DoggyDude: thanks Kendra, shes squidgy
(8:08:10 AM) DoggyDude: Kendra hun lead is you :)
(8:08:25 AM) dgreiwe1985: no you ~.^
(8:08:59 AM) solarian7799: how did you unlocked this dance
~ removed general fleet fun chatter
(8:31:12 AM) Holmes-III: so I think the Seri and Ang should appoint the chairperson
(8:33:01 AM) fleudermaus: I still think the council should vote on the chair but your idea should be put on the forum Candy and then we can have a way forward to decide between things
(8:33:01 AM) dgreiwe1985: afk
(8:33:06 AM) DoggyDude: I think voting.
8:34:21 AM) DoggyDude: Candy, I think it should be voted. If we choose, then it might be seen as favouritism.
(8:34:37 AM) Holmes-III: understand
(8:34:52 AM) RachelJ88: sometimes I wonder why there are so many ignorant people
(8:35:02 AM) RachelJ88: this has nothing to do with any of you
(8:35:11 AM) RachelJ88: I just got a random tell that kinda pushed my buttons
(8:35:12 AM) fleudermaus: Since it is important to you Candy please post something so people will know and have something to think about prior to the vote
(8:35:30 AM) RachelJ88: they send you a /tell then ignore you
(8:35:39 AM) fleudermaus: are you ok Rachel?
(8:35:49 AM) RachelJ88: to be fairly honest no
(8:36:19 AM) dgreiwe1985: back
(8:36:25 AM) DoggyDude: wb Kendra :D
8:38:17 AM) fleudermaus: that was a great mix you sent me Kendra
(8:38:21 AM) DoggyDude: oh no.. im not. Lead has gone to Hanna? maybe?
(8:38:23 AM) fleudermaus: I'm still listening
(8:38:25 AM) fleudermaus: XD
(8:38:56 AM) DoggyDude: Kendra has great tunes :D
(8:38:58 AM) fleudermaus: not me
(8:38:58 AM) dgreiwe1985: the tune from earlier today?
(8:39:01 AM) fleudermaus: yes
(8:39:03 AM) fleudermaus: hehe
(8:39:08 AM) dgreiwe1985: lol
(8:39:11 AM) fleudermaus: *smiles*
(8:39:21 AM) DoggyDude: Hanna, want to Q us for AA? :)
(8:39:30 AM) dgreiwe1985: thank you Serry. Always looking for the best tunes my friends
(8:39:31 AM) fleudermaus: awwww
(8:39:51 AM) dgreiwe1985: oh i forget a "for" :P
(8:39:52 AM) fleudermaus: take care Hanna
(8:39:56 AM) DoggyDude: no, thank Q Kendra hehe
(8:40:35 AM) DoggyDude: did Hanna say goodbye?
(8:40:42 AM) DoggyDude: where?
(8:40:56 AM) fleudermaus: yes she said she had to log
(8:40:59 AM) RachelJ88: okies... shot in the dark
(8:41:06 AM) fleudermaus: that is why I waved and kissed goodbye
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